The smooth and soft texture of pudding, sweet and dainty taste, melt into your mouth...
Custard Pudding is a famous dish amoung the world and different country use different ingredients. In this guide, I will show how to use the simplest ingredients to make a delicious Japanese pudding.
Total of 9 tsp Sugar
2 tsp hot water
2 eggs
250ml Milk
Four 130ml Pudding molds (serves 4) or One 400 ml container (serves 1)
1. (optional) Coat some unsalted butter at the inner surface of the pudding molds
to help remove the pudding from the cup when pudding is made.
2. Put 4 tsp sugar in to the pot and 1 tsp of water, heat with medium heat
3. wait until the water surface becomes lightly-colored, carefully shake the pot to let
the sugar liquid evenly heated.
4. When the color become ochroid, remove the pot away from the heat and quickly add the
hot water within 2 or 3 steps, move the pot away from the people to avoid the splashing heat.
5. Pour the caramel evenly into the pudding molds.
6. Crack two eggs into a container and mix it gently
7. Add 250ml milk and 5 tsp sugar into the pot, heat until all the sugar is dissolved.
8. Add milk to the beaten egg while mixing.
9. filter the egg mixture with a strain mesh and pour the mixture to a container which is easy to pour.
10. Pour the mixture into the pudding molds and cover them up with aliminum foil.
11. Steam the pudding with a heated pot on a kitchen towel for 20 mins. (remember to put the lid on)
12. Keep the water temperature just below the biling point.(overheat will affect pudding's texture)
13. Remove the molds from the pot and let it cool down
14. Put into the fridge for about 4 hours depends on the temperature.
15. Japanese pudding is ready to serve.